Welcome to the musings of a mathematician in love with fashion and hell bent on providing proof (by construction or contradiction – see mathematical definitions) that these areas do indeed merge and overlap. This, however, is just one element of my duality. And although I’ll feature the intersection of the Arts and Sciences on this platform, you will also experience manifestations via my other works ie. clothing, jewellery, workshops, projects etc.
This series of musings dive into the duality of life as a multifaceted human – like many – particularly within a society and world outside its natural form.
Humans have been torn away from the cyclic rhythm of nature and constructed an extensive array of parallel existences for us to navigate, layered upon our instincts and intuition. How we cope, or not, manoeuvre, ignore, triumph and fail is fascinating – do we even realise the amount we are processing, balancing, gambling or faking? All whilst we process thoughts, feelings, hormones, spirituality, physicality, roles of responsibility, morality, sensibility…?! – It’s. A. Lot.
I’ll note here, that if your own interpretation of duality is an either/or combination or two finite realities – this exploration is not that. This is a lived experience of duality, and for me, that spans beyond two distinct paths. It’s a multiplex of forked paths along roads that may overlap, lead to other forked paths and roads, and even result in walking more than one path. Quantum? Yes – And, much like the computers ability to process one’s and zero’s into an intricate network of information and operations performed concurrently with an astonishing level of detail. All from a dual system of one’s and zero’s…
You’ll come to know I do like a good wander through the mind, and maybe what I find and share will resonate. If it does, that’s great – because the form these musings take will be unrestricted, but honest. It may be a visual one time, it may be a recipe the other. But always authentic. Authentic connections remind us we’re not alone, and we need to sense that in every way: see, feel, read, touch, smell, listen, taste and think.
I’ll be aiming to update this monthly, if I don’t – blame my duality. For now, comment, share and celebrate you.
Takita x